Dermatoglyphics History Dermatoglyphics has a long history in India and China of using hand and finger patterns as indications or character traits or attributes. Traditional beliefs from both India and China have customs of reading certain patterns from fingerprints. Before becoming amazed at how fingerprints can be of immense significance, it is worth noticing that such a concept or rather an approach is often used in scientific studies for searching meaningful relations of fingerprints as genetic and/ or chronic health markers. The formations or the lines / patterns of the skin of a person start becoming visible during the third and fourth month of the development of embryonic stage. Decomposition of skin occurs last in the area of Dermatoglyphic Configurations after death. In fact, there have been many cases, in which the only identifiable part of a deceased person was the ridge formations. It becomes quite clear from the above information that there is more than sufficient facts to support the methodical study and analysis of basic individual characteristics and the dermatoglyphic features of the hand that we propose to do. Our mind begins with an inherited 'tool kit' of growth reserved over millions of years. This tool kit not only mentions the development pattern of the brain but the development pattern of both hand and the palm. Genetic preservation of the series, uniformity of expression and efficient homology create a cross orientation code between the two organs and between the cell formations throughout the whole. In recent years, many important discoveries related to the psychological significance of fingerprint patterns have been made. Over the last three decades, more than forty thousand papers have been written on the importance of skin-ridge patterns! However, the current position of Dermatoglyphics is such that the analysis of a few illnesses can be done on the basis of Dermatoglyphics analysis alone. Many Dermatoglyphics researchers also claim a high degree of accuracy in their predictive ability from the hand’s features. Cave drawings and Petroglyph diagrams that date back thousands of years provide an evidence of early man’s interest in hands. However, the importance of such pre-historic samples is subject to broader understanding.