Introduction Dermatoglyphs is the study of the pattern on fingers and hands. These patterns are unique and are heavily linked with one's genetic composition and are closely related to our nervous system. In the other words, Dermatoglyphs can reveal our intrinsic qualities and talents. Since 1920s, Dermatoglyphs has been studied in the medical field, especially in relation to genetically linked diseases. The study has absolute scientific basis, with many years of research. It is analyzed and proven with evidence in anthropology, genetics, medicine and statistics. Finger prints  are developed between the 13th to  21st week during the gestation period. Dermatoglyphic Analysis : Each child is uniquely gifted, yet parents and educators cannot always clearly identify all of the child's talents. Today, Dermatoglyphs analysis can easily reveal our intrinsic qualities and talents. Dermatoglyphs, the study of the pattern on fingers and hands, has been proven that our finger-prints are uniquely intertwined with an individual's genetic composition and central nervous system. After discovering the child's innate intelligence, parents and educators can easily: o Discover innate strengths and weakness               o Enhance learning experience by identifying learning styles             o Personalize academic and extra curriculum programs o Minimize time & financial commitments on courses o Reveal hidden talents o Build confidence o Improve family relationships o Make academic and career choices easier What Dermatoglyphic Analysis can tell : Our Dermatoglyphs analysis includes: Innate potentials of lobes. Discovers our congenital intelligence, character traits and unknown potential by understanding the structure of the brain. Dermatoglyphics - An Introduction